Nerve Max enriched with
Methyl cobalamin ,
Benfotiamin ,
Alpha Lipoic Acid ,
Omega fatty acid ,
L- Carnitine ,
Lycopene ,
Co enzyme 10 ,
Lecithin ,
N-Acetyl cysteine ,
Methionine ,
Inositol ,
Wheat Germ oil ,
Primrose oil ,
- Provides complete neurotherapy for neuropathy.
- Prevents free radical damage to nerves and improves axonal regeneration and myelination.
- Improves transmission of nerve impulses and promotes growth and regeneration of nerve cells.
- Relieves neurological pain faster
- Acts as a neuroprotective agent in optic nerve injury and in elderly .
- High dose methylcobalamin useful in oligozoospermia.
- Anti-oxidants helping in strengthening the immune system and countering fatigue.
- Highly effective in all neurological illness especially Diabetic & Alcoholic Neuropathy,CAD,Stroke,dementia,
Opticneuritis,Infertility,drug induced neuropathy and in elderly